Yes, the QR code needs to be moved back to the lower left corner, OR we need to be able to choose where it shows on the screen
Robert van Loon
The QR code needs to be placed back to the bottom left ASAP please!!!
Rachel Druckenmiller
Agreed! And now they moved it so it covers the question for open ended questions which makes no sense and makes for an inferior user experience.
Yes, agree. I don't see the point of adding a QR code to the slide if it's just going to cover up the charts. The option to close it on the fly is clunky and doesn't account for participants joining at their own pace while they review the results. You'd have to keep opening and closing it. The word bubble template manages to keep the QR code out of the way just fine - why not the charts?
I found a somewhat useful workaround for Multiple Choice at least. In the Edit menu of the slide, add an image. Then select the Layout that has the image on the left side. This won't move the QR code, but it will resize the chart so that it is no longer covered up by the QR code. I recommend inserting an image that's just a box the same color as your slide background for a seamless look.
Erin Daiber
YES! This is so annoying. The QR code is so much easier for participants to join the poll, but it covers half of the chart.