Open Ended questions: group together identical repsponses
under review
Thilo Klein
Question type "Open Ended" currently displays all responses individually. This result in a cluttered screen for courses with, say, 100 or more participants.
It would be helpful if identical responses were grouped together (i.e. displayed only once together with the frequency of their occurance) as is already implemented in the quiz type "Type Answer".
Jan Keck
I would love this feature!! I can see a huge opportunity to use A.I. to do this effectively
Maja Jakobsson
under review
Tiago Almeida
Merged in a post:
Tag for open ended questions to allow grouping of opinions
A. Chahin
This option would allow the moderator to group open ended ideas and show the trends in a group discussion. It would allow to display ideas according to these tags so that participants can view the main ideas that are being proposed or discussed. This is very useful because it allows us to establish connections between ideas and show the information in a more organised way.