Product Updates - September 2023
🗃Group responses to Open Ended questions using AI
- with more than 10 submissions, you can simply hit the spacebar to group the answers live - giving you an overview of the answers in easy-to-digest groups. Great for getting a quick overview of your audience input - no matter the group size! Note: this feature needs to be enabled first - read more here.🏷 Ranking slide update
- We have just released a new more usable and accessible version of the Ranking question for your participants! Now you can simply tap or drag options to rank them, instead of having to use multiple dropdowns. Check it out here!🔗New Share Modal
- allowing you to easily share the voting link, invite people to collaborate on building your presentations, as well as share the results with your participants. 🫶Integrations
- you can now explore all Menti integrations right in Home view. Connect Menti with your favorite tools such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and more! 🎨 Brand new theme offering
- you can now customize your presentations with 6 new themes! Check out the new classics such as True blue, Mellow yellow and Lovely lavender.