Mobile editing improvements
- we have enhanced the mobile editor for on-the-go adjustments. The updated editor now works better for smaller screens, making those last-minute changes easy - no matter where you are.
Hover to see themes
- you can now simply hover over the themes to see a live preview of what your Menti will look like. Themes are found under design, and can be customized with fonts, colors and even your own logo!
Member Lite Role
- we have enabled selected Menti accounts to add free users into their teams without having to pay for an extra license. Member lite users have their individual limitations of a free plan while being able to create Menti in a shared workspace, co-edit presentations and surveys alongside other members and access results in shared Menti.
Easily access the results anytime
- our new result links take you straight to an updated results page from the editor - right next to the ‘Present’ button.
Upgraded QR Widget
- experience our improved QR code, now 50% larger for easy scanning. We've streamlined the design, removing unnecessary elements. Plus, we are currently developing a more accurate participant counter - keep an eye out in this changelog in the upcoming months!