In Mentimeter you can add a 'Slide background image' to make a slide look nice when presenting results on a screen.
However, the background image also displays on the ‘voter screen’, when users enter a Mentimeter code and want to vote on that slide.
This could be fine (although usually unnecessary), except lots of images (including the Mentimeter stock ones), look MASSIVE on a voters screen, obscuring anything else.
This can lead to confusion for new users.
In the below screenshot examples, I’ve made an ‘open text’ slide to get people to enter their thoughts.
I’ve added a stock image of a thinking statue, which looks ok (pic1).
If however you present the slides, and a user enters the code to vote, they will only see a large copy of this picture and you need to tell them to scroll down to see what they need to do (pic2).
Can I suggest adding a toggle to the options of each slide.
When you switch it on, background slide images appear on the presentation screen (as normal), but do not appear on voters screens.
This would look much better/professional for a majority of presentations and, more importantly, be less confusing for new users.